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Contractul dintre noi (Termeni si conditii)
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Important de retinut: tu (cumparatorul) esti singurul responsabil pentru legalitatea si corectitudinea informatiilor afisate, de asemenea si pentru drepturile de copyright si licente software (teme, plugins, poze, text, etc – care sunt in general livrate sub GPL – General Public Licence, fara garantia ca producatorii lor accepta astfel). Plata licentelor intra exclusiv in obligativitatea ta fie inainte fie dupa intrarea in posesia acestor materiale. Pozele folosite sunt de regula royalty free, dar nu putem garata 100% aceasta bebeficiarul sitului – tu – fiind singurul responsabil 100% de asta. Singurul responsabil in totalitate referitor la continutul si prezenta informatiilor legale (de exemplu dar nu ne limitam la: GDPR, Privacy Policy, etc) plus a drepturilor de autor, a produselor afisate, a taxelor, etc esti tu (cumparatorul) situl fiind livrat “AS-IS” fara nici o garantie in acest sens.
Nu suntem raspunzatori ptr orice pierderi de date cauzate de functionarea defectuasa a elementelor de design (inclusiv pluginuri), de atacuri cibernetice, virusi, malware, stergere accidentala, sau din orice alta cauza aparuta inainte sau dupa livrarea datelor de login si/sau publicarea sitului.
Hostingul gratuit poate fi retras in orice moment, fara obligativitatea punerii la dispozitie a surselor, inclusiv emailuri. Nu se pot pune la dispozitie datele de logare la hosting (cPanel). Nu ai nici un drept de proprietare sau alta relatie comerciala cu compania furnizoare de gazduire (hosting).
In caz de migrare catre alt host nu ne obligam sa punem la dispozitie sursele sau orice alta asistenta. Userul este singurul responsabil ptr tot procesul.
Ne rezervam dreptul, in caz de atacuri cibernetice de a limita si chiar a suspenda drepturile de scriere pe baza de date. De asemenea putem instala automat, fara o permisiune prealabile orice software considerat de noi necesar ptr protectia contului de hosting si/sau a sitului. Mai mult, putem oricand reseta parolele de acces si de asemenea limita sau chiar suspenda accesul la site, chiar si dupa ce il predam, ptr orice motive (desi in principal sunt motive ce tin de securitate).
Faptul ca ai acceptat cumpararea sitului implica acceptul tau explicit al acestor conditii, si de asemenea si al tuturor celor mentionate pe pagina principala sau in orice parte a acestui site.
Clientul este singurul responsabil ptr adaugarea pe site a informatiilor legale cerute de tara in care opereaza.
Acest site poate fi gazduit in afara UE si implicit stocheaza datele tale acolo.
Operat de: Lefpom L L C cu sediul in SUA, 30 N Gould St Ste R, Sheridan, Wyoming.
Who we are
Our website address is https://amazon-branding.com. Our main location: Lefpom L L C, 30 N Gould Ste R, Sheridan, WY, USA. You may be invoiced by a Romanian company (SRL) on special request, in which case, all the content of all policies written on this website applies to you in equal manner. This doesn’t mean that the website ownership is changed, its just a facility we offer to you with no extra charge – in this case the site only facilitate the “sale” and the work is transferred free of charge to the Romanian company that will also collect the benefits, in full, w/out the need of a special agreement and/or contract between the entities (LLC / SRL) – all the taxes towards the Romanian authorities will be the responsibility of the respective Romanian entity.
By accessing this web site, you are agreeing to be bound by these web site Terms and Conditions of Use, applicable laws, and regulations and their compliance. If you disagree with any of the stated terms and conditions, you are prohibited from using or accessing this site. The materials contained in this site are secured by relevant copyright and trademark law.
Permission is allowed to temporarily download one duplicate of the materials (data or programming) on Amazon-Branding’s site for individual and non-business use only. This is the just a permit of license and not an exchange of title, and under this permit, you may not:
• modify or copy the materials;
• use the materials for any commercial use, or for any public presentation (business or non-business);
• attempt to decompile or rebuild any product or material contained on Amazon-Branding’s site;
• remove any copyright or other restrictive documentations from the materials; or
• transfer the materials to someone else or even “mirror” the materials on other servers.
This permit might consequently be terminated if you disregard any of these confinements and may be ended by Amazon-Branding whenever deemed. After permit termination or when your viewing permit is terminated, you must destroy any downloaded materials in your ownership whether in electronic or printed form.
We do not offer any software licence – the entire responsibility for copyrights are to the buyer. He will also be fully responsible for adding the correct, legal, information on its website, according with the countries laws. We shall not be held responsible in any way for this – the buyer agrees to be.
The materials on Amazon-Branding site are given “as is”. Amazon-Branding makes no guarantees, communicated or suggested, and thus renounces and nullifies every single other warranty, including without impediment, inferred guarantees or states of merchantability, fitness for a specific reason, or non-encroachment of licensed property or other infringement of rights. Further, Amazon-Branding does not warrant or make any representations concerning the precision, likely results, or unwavering quality of the utilization of the materials on its Internet site or generally identifying with such materials or on any destinations connected to this website.
In no occasion should Amazon-Branding or its suppliers subject for any harms (counting, without constraint, harms for loss of information or benefit, or because of business interference,) emerging out of the utilization or powerlessness to utilize the materials on Amazon-Branding Internet webpage, regardless of the possibility that Amazon-Branding or an Amazon-Branding approved agent has been told orally or in written of the likelihood of such harm. Since a few purviews don’t permit constraints on inferred guarantees, or impediments of obligation for weighty or coincidental harms, these confinements may not make a difference to you.
The materials showing up on Amazon-Branding’s site could incorporate typographical, or photographic mistakes. Amazon-Branding does not warrant that any of the materials on its site are exact, finished, or current. Amazon-Branding may roll out improvements to the materials contained on its site whenever without notification. Amazon-Branding does not, then again, make any dedication to update the materials.
Amazon-Branding has not checked on the majority of the websites or links connected to its website and is not in charge of the substance of any such connected webpage. The incorporation of any connection does not infer support by Amazon-Branding of the site. Utilization of any such connected site is at the user’s own risk.
Amazon-Branding may update these terms of utilization for its website whenever without notification. By utilizing this site you are consenting to be bound by the then current form of these Terms and Conditions of Use.
We use cookies to track your activity on our site plus other purposes
Any case identifying with Amazon-Branding’s site should be administered by the laws of the country picked by Amazon-branding itself.
All our websites designed by Amazon-Branding are provided “as-is” – meaning the full responsibility for their content is fully transferred to the customer at the time the login details are sent to him via any channel (being it email, message, text message or live), or when the website is live on the internet, or when the source files are sent to customer’s email or Facebook messenger or any other channel. Amazon-Branding takes absolutely NO responsibility for the content of the sites; not for the materials used; nor for the copyrights of the materials used; nor for any 3rd party linked or connected in any way with the websites designed. It is fully the responsibility of the customer to ensure that no laws are broken by the usage of the websites ordered and fulfilled by Amazon-Branding. In other words, you are fully responsible for obeying the laws concerning the usage of the website ordered and designed by Amazon-Branding.
Any services provided via 3rd party – e.g. hosting, domain registration, etc. – are subject to the respective company’s terms of service. We cannot be held responsible if their level of service is low or if they suspend it or do not provide it in full or in any case they break any agreements with you or us as the reseller, after we supply it to you (put in contact or set up for you) with that respective service. If you want full control we advise you to deal with them directly, not via us, as we take NO responsibility for their reliability and compliance.
Absolutely NO refunds. Its creative work that cannot be measured or taken back.
It is the responsibility of the customer to make sure that the service they order on Amazon-Branding is to their expectations from the start, BEFORE making any payments. In the event that the service is re-sold or done for other customers (e.g. outsourcing the project with us) we may communicate solely with you and not with the end customer. However, if we communicate directly with the final beneficiary, we do it only from courtesy, the business relationship is still fully tied with you, as our paying party.
Last revision: Jan 2022
Your privacy is critical to us. Likewise, we have built up this Policy with the end goal you should see how we gather, utilize, impart, and reveal and make utilization of individual data. The following blueprints our privacy policy.
Before or at the time of collecting personal information, we will identify the purposes for which information is being collected.
We will gather and utilization of individual data singularly with the target of satisfying those reasons indicated by us and for other good purposes, unless we get the assent of the individual concerned or as required by law.
We will just hold individual data the length of essential for the satisfaction of those reasons.
We will gather individual data by legal and reasonable means and, where fitting, with the information or assent of the individual concerned.
Personal information ought to be important to the reasons for which it is to be utilized, and, to the degree essential for those reasons, ought to be exact, finished, and updated.
We will protect individual data by security shields against misfortune or burglary, and also unapproved access, divulgence, duplicating, use or alteration.
We will promptly provide customers with access to our policies and procedures for the administration of individual data.
We are focused on leading our business as per these standards with a specific end goal to guarantee that the privacy of individual data is secure and maintained.
Last revision: Jan 2022
The EU General Data Protection Regulation no. 2016/279 (GDPR) that was agreed upon by the European Parliament and Council on April 27th, 2016, brought changes regarding the processing of the personal information.
We inform you that processing means any operation or set of operations which is performed on personal data or on sets of personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.
We inform you that Amazon-Branding („The controller” or “Amazon-Branding”), processes through www.Amazon-Branding.com the following personal data:
• First name
• Last name
• E-mail address
• Phone/fax number
• Home/shipping address (street name, ap. number, city, country, state, zip code)
• Credit card information
• Heatmap – where are the users clicking on the website
• Recordings – regarding the activity of the users on our website
• Device – The type of device used to access our website
Your personal data is processed in the following purposes:
A. First and last name
a) billing (data needed for the invoice), under the legal obligations;
b) delivery of purchased goods, under the contractual obligation to sell and deliver the online purchased goods.
B. E-mail address
a) getting in touch with you on your online purchase, the approximate date of delivery or order canceling, as well as responding to your complaints or other different remarks that you may have regarding the order;
b) sending you newsletters about sales, deals, or other existing items on the web site;
C. Phone/fax number
a) in your own interest, for the purpose of confirming the order you placed and contacting you only in necessary circumstances regarding the order (if there is nobody to deliver the order to at your shipping address, additional information on the shipping address or the time of delivery, etc.)
D. Home/Shipping address
a) delivery of purchased goods, under the contractual obligation to sell and deliver the online purchased goods.
b) billing (data needed for the invoice), under the legal obligations;
E. Credit card information
a) payment, under your contractual in order of payment for the purchased goods.
F. Heat map
a) in order to understand you and your needs so we can provide you valuable information regarding our products.
G. Recordings
a) in order to create a better website, customized on your needs, and to provide you valuable information regarding our products.
H. Device
a) in order to be able to send you e-mails and offers customized on the device you are mostly using.
We collect data in order to better understand our clients. We use some of the data to create custom audiences on Facebook and to create lookalikes to help us advertise. We do not sell the data or send it to anyone else.
If you provide us with your credit card information, the information is encrypted using secure socket layer technology (SSL) and stored with AES-256 encryption, in accordance with the GDPR regulations stated at art. 31(1) lt. a).
The final scope of the processing of your personal information is direct marketing, in order for us to be able to send you customized offers and discounts.
For further information, you can check the Privacy Policy statement published on the web site. (SEE ABOVE)
We inform you that the data retention period is until we delete the custom audience. We clean our database every six months and as a result, the personal information of the users who do not open any of our e-mails during the six months’ period of time is automatically erased. We do not archive or store any of your personal data, but we do use platforms like Facebook, Shopify, Klaviyo, MailChimp, YouTube, Amazon that have taken security measures to protect your data. We encourage you to read their privacy statements.
We inform you that you have the right to withdraw your consent for us to contact you or for the continued processing of your personal data, at any time, by contacting us at hello@amazon-branding.com. However, the withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal. From the moment you withdraw your consent, we will erase all of your personal data and no longer process it.
We ensure the confidentiality of your data and the fact that this data will not be processed or distributed for any other reasons than those stated above or included in the policy statement published on the web site.
If you do not agree with one or more than one purpose for processing stated above, or if you have any remark regarding the Data Protection Policy, please contact us at hello@Amazon-Branding.com
Last revision: Jan 2022
The fact that you purchased our services implies your explicit agreement to all of the above stated (in English or Romanian – meaning you fully understood the language and all terms). Folosirea sitului se considera acceptul tau implicit asupra tuturor celor scrise aici, indiferent de limba (EN sau RO).